
时间: 2023-12-31    阅读: 711 次    来源:


1989 relative to the presence of
Colorful summer and also winter, thousands of miles were the sky, a multitude of things before what? Wanlv thousands of silk that is the end?
Note: I promote Chinese landscape painting, the techniques on the point, line, surface, color of the diversity concept in the abstract and the concrete performance of a unified concept, is it absorbed the complexity of the social nature of meaning. No society is something pure and isolated, Da implicated companies, changes in million dry. Any climate of concepts such as seasons, day and night, breakfast, lunch, etc., are a regional, limited features. With a comprehensive and comparative perspective, the better to illustrate the problem clearly. Seasons are not there is a constant Concept. And the thing made by the various intangible tangible, from the visible and lost all trace. Similarly, the end of a thing, it marks the beginning of another thing
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